D NA testing is one of the biggest achievements of medical and genetic science in today's time. DNA testing is a technique to find out the genetic composition of a person and also to know the ancestry and origin of the person. This method has been very useful for the people to find their biological parents, for the police to find criminals and for people who just want to know about their ancestors.

In the USA, DNA testing services are available almost everywhere. But this does not mean that every clinic or lab will give out true and accurate results. Below we give you a list of the most reliable DNA testing websites in the USA.
Ancestry By DNA
Ancestry by DNA is a very famous website and one of the most reliable DNA analysis clinics in Fairfield, Ohio. Not only are they extremely reliable but are also very affordable. They provide you with services like:
- DNA origin which lets you know as to what percentage of your ancestry is from the four population groups namely European, Indigenous American, East Asian, Sub-Saharan African.
- DNA worldview- This test lets you trace your past ancestry to the present. Basically, your percentage of ancestry from the modern world is compared from the four ancient groups.
- Maternal and Paternal lineage- This test is done to know who were your maternal and paternal ancestors. The paternal lineage testing is only available in the case of males.
- They claim to use the world’s leading DNA labs to conduct their tests and do not ever compromise the quality of the result.
Family Tree DNA
Family Tree DNA is a Houston, Texas, USA based company that offers various DNA analyses. This is another highly trusted and accurate DNA test provider. They offer tests like:
- Family Finder- This is the most availed test from their laboratories. These tests let you know about your ancestry, ethnic percentage and are also very helpful in finding out about your link to your family. This is an autosomal test.
- Y chromosome test- This test is male specific since Y chromosomes are only found in the case of males. The test is also available as a bundle along with the family finder test. This is an autosomal and 37 markers test. There is also a bundle of 67 marker test along with the family finder test.
- Mitochondrial Test- Again this test is performed as a bundle with the Family finder test. This is available for both the males and females to trace the maternal line.
- Father Line- This test is male specific and includes 37, 67 and 111 marker tests to know the paternal line of an individual.
My Heritage DNA
My Heritage DNA is a USA based site that lets you easily develop your family tree. They have a huge database and give out the results really quickly. You can even look at through their huge database from all around the world for a better analysis and knowledge about your ancestry. They use a number of technologies like search connect, record detective, global name translation, record making, super search, instant discoveries and smart matching. You can easily order their affordable DNA kits online and send them your DNA sample through the mail. The DNA sample you send them is analyzed in their labs and the results are posted on their website on your profile within 3 weeks. The two things they check are the family history and the ethnicity of an individual.
Apart from these three, there are several other DNA Testing websites in the USA that can also be accessed according to your regional preferences. DNA testing is very important for every individual and should be undertaken by everyone.